Something Short, Sweet, and Simple

So, since I’ve had a girl, I’ve gone a little crazy with the handmade artwork for her room and she may or may not have hit capacity:) I choose to think not!  I just can’t help myself, the options are endless and she’s not old enough to object yet.  So, craft away crazy woman!  This one is as easy as cut, glue, stitch.  Bam.  You’re done.  Really, the only thing that cost me any (new) money was the canvas, which I’m sure I got on sale from some craft store out there.  Inexpensive.  Double Bam.

My point is this, it doesn’t have to be complicated, it doesn’t have to cost a lot, you just have to like it.

But, if you happen to love complicated things that cost a lot, that is perfectly lovely, also.  I, too, have been known to love such things:)

I hope you are well, and warm, wherever you are.  I’m about to turn on the fire and watch the snow fall.
